The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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>>>>Copyright 1989<<<<
By: Michael J. Feldhake
******** A Shareware program for wargamers ********
******** ********
******** If you like this program. Send $15.00 to: ********
******** ********
******** Michael J. Feldhake ********
******** P.O. Box 47054 ********
******** Indianapolis, IN 46247-0054 ********
TCS is a utility program that allows two players to
control movement of company size combat units. It also
allows you to place mines, set spot zones, scout areas of a
map, set obstructions (such as blown bridges), transport
units, and call in artillery fire and ground support. You
can use TCS to play your own designed game. Or you can use
TCS to play a premade game like "Panzer Leader."
The best two parts about this program is its realism
and versatility. Since each player has his daily password.
You can only see what the computer tells you. You will have
to use good sound tactics and intelligence practices to win
over your opponent. The versatility of TCS is limited by your
imagination. TCS can also be used for many different scenarios
in different times of history.
*To run TCS, you need 256K memory, any monitor,
and one floppy drive.
*The maximum number of combat units is 200 per player.
*The maximum number of obstructions is 20.
*The maximum number of mines is 40 per player.
*The maximum number of zones is 100 per player.
A nice feature of TCS is the map. TCS uses grids to move
units to and from. Don't understand!? When you define a
point on a map to TCS, it is in the form Ncoord Wcoord where
Ncood and Wcoord are integer numbers from 0 to 65535 each
representing a map location. The position 0 North 0 West
starts at the LOWER LEFT HAND SIDE of the map! So this means
north is straight up. The north numbers go higher as you go
more to the north. And the farther you go east, the higher
the west numbers go! This is the Square Grid system. See the
ADVANCE.DOC for more information.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
9 ---------------------------------------------- 9
N 8 | | | | | | | | | 8
7 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | 7
O 6 | | | | | | | | | 6
5 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | 5
R 4 | | | | | | | | | 4
3 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | 3
T 2 | | | | | | | | | 2
1 | | | | | | | | | 1
H 0 ---------------------------------------------- 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
This map shows what I mean about the square grid system.
This map shows about half of the grid lines (represented by
'-' or '|'). Notice that the map is numbered on all four
sides for ease of reading.
There is no actual map that TCS uses to play on. You
design the map and keep it with you. This way is a Lot more
beneficial to the realistic player. Because you can make
several battle fields and overlay the grid lines to play on
TCS. All TCS really does anyway is keep track of what is on
and who is moving to what grid.
Each day as you begin a new game or continue an old one.
The program will ask for your password for the day. This
password may be up to 10 characters in length. Enter as you
wish. The program uses this to let you get into and see your
units and other information while protecting it from your
The <ESC> (escape) key allows you to get out of the ENTER
while you are at their top menus. All other routines are
If you ever get in trouble and hit a wrong key and you are
being asked to enter something. Hit <CR> or enter a zero until
you are back to the menu you want. A zero in this game
represents nothing. So you are safe.
Before you can start playing, you will need to enter your
units. If you have recalled an old game, then you will not
do this part again. The screen will display twenty unit
types with movement factors beside them. It will ask you for
a unit ID# on the top right. Enter the ID# (must be
integer/numeric only and no more than five in length) for
your first unit (i.e. 345.) The number of units will show
and it will prompt you to enter a unit type of the unit you
have just created. Enter the LETTER of the type of unit you wish.
It will now prompt you for the units North coordinate.
Enter the numeric coordinate. If your not sure what to enter
or you do not want to place the unit yet. Press <CR> and
continue. Then it will prompt you for the West coordinate. Do
the same as you did for the North coordinate. If you make a
mistake on one of previous inputs. Enter a -1 for your next
Unit ID# to delete the last unit.
Continue until you have entered all your units. Press
<CR> at the ENTER UNIT ID# prompt when complete. The program
will continue to the next player or take you back to the
main menu. Once back at the main menu. You may not enter the
GAME selection again! However, you may now use ENTER UNITS to
move your units.
MENU ITEM TWO 2> Enter units:
This routine will allow you to do many things. It will
allow you to view your units and positions. Select a unit
and either assign it a new location, call in artillery fire,
transport a unit, assemble, or deploy the unit.
First, there are three different classes of units. These
classes determine what you can do with that unit. The first
class, CLASS 1, is the class in which all regular units fall
into. These are all units except the artillery and transport
units. CLASS 2 units are the artillery units. And CLASS 3
units are the transport units.
The display of the units shows the unit's ID#, type,
movement factor, present location and location heading to.
It will list nine units at a time. This display will show some
things that are not discussed here. See the Deployment And
Rally Points, Transports, and Artillery sections in the
ADVANCE.DOC for more information. But for now, continue on.
Use may use the view keys (UP/DOWN ARROWS, PageUP, PageDOWN,
And HOME) to see and scan through your units. Press <P> to
choose a unit. Then, enter the number (1-9) that IDs the Unit
you wish.
After you have entered the units ID# of the unit you
want. If the unit is a CLASS 1 unit type, then you will see
the unit's ID# and type show below. The program will then
prompt you to enter the New North Coordinate. Enter a number
between 0 and 65535 and press <CR>. The program will then
prompt you to enter the New West Coordinate. Again enter a
number and press <CR>. You have just given the unit a new
location to move to. This is how we move our units. If you
liked what you have entered, then press <SPACE BAR> to ok it.
Press <-> to nullify the order. If you did not place the unit
when you created it. The program will first ask you for a
starting North and West location.
If the unit is a CLASS 2 unit, class 2 again being the
artillery units, the program will prompt you to enter <M> to
move the unit or <F> to assign the unit a fire-mission. If
you want to move the unit, Again, assign it a new location.
If you are wanting to assign a fire-mission to the unit, the
program will prompt you for a north coordinate and a west
coordinate. This is the target information. Again <SPACE BAR>
to ok it and <-> to nullify it. See the section on Artillery
If the unit is a CLASS 3 unit, class 3 being the
transportation units. The program will prompt you to enter a
<M> to move, <P> to pick up a unit or a <D> to drop off a
unit. If you want to use the transport unit to transport
another unit, Press <P>. Then enter the unit's ID# you want
to transport. If your transport unit has already transported
a unit. And you are at that location you want. Press <D> to
drop off the carried unit. That will now release the unit
being transported.
At the "ARROW UP/DOWN, PGUP, PGDN, HOME <P for pick unit>"
prompt. Press <ESC> to return to the main menu.
MENU ITEM THREE 3> Place Mines:
This selection will ask for your password and then
display your mines if there are any. It will ask you for a
map location (two entries) for your next mine. If you only
wanted to view your mines press <CR> twice (to tell the
program not to create a new location) and then follow the
prompts as you wish.
Setting a mine at a location will alert the player who is
moving a unit onto that location, that his unit has ran onto
mines. You can now take that unit and take off damage if so
desire. Just like in the real world, when you run onto a
minefield. You have up to twenty mines in this game. After
one is set. You may not reset or change its location.
MENU ITEM FOUR 4> See Obstructions:
This selection will allow you to do two things. First,
you will be able to view the obstructions. Second, you will be
able to create a new obstruction.
An obstruction in TCS represents a point on a map which
one can not move on. A good example of a obstruction is a blown
bridge. If at location 12N 5W (that is north coordinate # 12
and west coordinate # 5) there is a bridge that extends over
a small river. You want to blow the bridge so your opponent
will not be able to cross over the river with one of his
armored units. You will then set an obstruction at 12N 5W.
This will now make that armored unit stop before it gets to
the bridge and therefore prevents it from crossing it.
MENU ITEM FIVE 5> Set up zones:
This is the most complex part of TCS. And it is also the
most fun. This area will allow you to create two types of
zones. An AREA type and a LINE type. A zone is an area on
the map that you are observing. A good example of a zone is:
You occupy a small village. North of this village is a large
flat plain. This plain could be defined as a rectangle 5
points to the north and 7 points to the east. See display
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
13 o------------------------------ p2
N | . |
12 | . |
O | . |
11 | . |
R | ....grass plain.... |
10 | . |
T | . |
9 | . |
H | . |
8 p1(town)----------------------- o
P1 represents the town. And p2 represents the rectangular
point which defines the length and depth of the area you are
observing. The o's represent the corners of the zone.
This rectangle (a six by seven area) is an AREA type of
zone. If any of your oppenent's units (except air units)
goes into this predefined area. The game will alert the
observing player during the MOVE UNITS selection.
The other type of zone is the LINE type. This will allow
you to observe a narrow gap or one selected point. See
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
13 p2(town)
N | /
12 --trees-- /
O | /
11 /
R / |
10 / --hill--
T / |
9 /
H /
8 p1(trees)
This time p1 is located in some trees. And p2 is a point
which represents a town. Since you cannot see though the
hill and look through the thick trees. The line is all that
you can observed. And for each location on the line. The
surrounding points are viewed also. This is the LINE zone
The menu in this selection will allow you to observe,
delete, and create your zones. If you are creating a new
zone. TCS will ask you for five things.
BASE NORTH: ;this is the north coordinate of the
base of your new zone. (p1)
BASE WEST: ;this is the west coordinate of the
base of your new zone. (p1)
SPOT NORTH: ;this is the north coordinate which
defines either the area or
line. (p2)
SPOT WEST: ;this is the west coordinate which
defines either the area or
line. (p2)
TYPE: ;this is the type of zone. 1 for
AREA type and 2 for LINE type.
NOTE: Zones use X, Y coordinates on a Cartesian Coordinate
system. This will allow you to use any point weather the
area or the line is going North, South, East, or West.
As you can see, these two types of zones could come in
very good use. During the move phase of the game. If one of
your zones becomes occupied by the opponent. The program will
erase that zone. See the Zones and Scouts sections in the
ADVANCE.DOC for more information.
MENU ITEM SIX 6> Move Mode
This is the heart and sole of TCS. And this selection
will do a great many things. It would be useless to list
them, but I will provide a shortened version. This algorithm
shows what happens and what is checked.
player = 1
play x = 1
loop Unit x is moved one position.
All obstructions are checked for same position.
All opponents units are checked.
Positions are checked around unit x.
If unit is a scout or spotter type.
Positions "plus" are checked.
All mines (both player and opponent) are checked
for same positions.
All opponent's artillery strikes are checked for
same location.
x = x + 1
IF x not = to 0
GOTO loop
Check all zones for any units spotted.
List all air activity of opponents (except
for those located in safe area.)
player = player + 1
IF player = 2
GOTO play
Again this is the shortened version of the algorithm.
But it shows you how TCS's Move Mode works. This process
can get slow depending on the amount of your units and
zones. But it does a thorough job. A few points now about
the operation of this mode.
*If a unit makes contact with the enemy. That unit will
automatically stop. You will have to give it a new point to
get it going again. This is done so you won't run over the
enemy. Although thats possible in real life. Your combat
results will have to determine the outcome. The SCOUT,
SPOTTER PLANE, and Air Units are exceptions to this rule.
*Besides just giving contacts. TCS will also alert players
about artillery fire, zone activity, air activity, and report
zone base's found by your scouts.
*Every time the program needs to alert a player of a
contact. The program will ask for a password and then give
the information.
Both of these are obvious in their functions. One note
about these. They both save the game. The program will
write to five .BIN files that contains the information
pertaining to your game. The five .BIN files are:
UNIT.BIN 16000 Bytes ;contains all unit data
ZONE.BIN 2000 Bytes ;contains all zone data
MINES.BIN 160 Bytes ;contains all mine data
OBS.BIN 80 Bytes ;contains all obstruction
*If these files do not exist on the disk. The program
will create them for you.
If you have not noticed. TCS does not provide a combat
results section. Since TCS can be played during any era.
TCS could not provide all of the situations that become
available. See the ADVANCE.DOC for more info.
This should be enough to get you started. Use TCS awhile
before going to the ADVANCE.DOC. That covers a lot of
small but useful tricks.
I have written this program to be as close to realism as one
could get it. There are some flaws (not bugs) in TCS that can
not be avoided. If you have any suggestions, PLEASE write, and
I will try to accommodate it!
************************THE END**************************